Defining Leadership

     The person I would like to explain as a leader is our current President of the United States. President Trump continues to address the nation from his platform that he created in 2018. His time in office has only covered half the time of his first term and he has worked through the border and immigration issues, abortion, and other current issues this country needs answers for. 
     I pick President Trump as a leader I can look up to because he constantly is being pursued as the bad guy even though he has proven his abilities to help this nation recover from some of the toughest financial times of our history. His administration has improved the financial status of this country and continues to show his global prowess with China and North Korea. Prior to his election he was still a global entrepreneur and was well known in many countries as a great businessman. He has taken much criticism but all Presidents have come under some scrutiny about their stance on certain issues. President Trump has moved this country forward on many of the issue that past Presidents have not accomplished.


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