Leader - Follower Theories
Week 3 Blog
Leader - Follower Theories
To become an effective follower it is important to acquire the skills necessary to combine two opposing follower rules - to execute decisions made by a leader, and yet to be able to raise issues about those decisions when they are deemed misguided or unethical (Achua, C. & Lussier, R., 2016). Moral integrity and a willingness to take stands based on principle are distinguishing characteristics of the effective follower (2016).
Followership theory argues that leadership cannot be fully understood without a meaningful consideration of the followers' impact on the leadership process (Cerne, M., & Bunjak, A., 2018).
I believe a leader can maintain a personal relationship with some, if not all, members of the work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups and out-groups. This can be a fine line relationship between leaders and followers as could also be dependent on each group that the same individuals are a part of. In one work group the dynamics are very positive and the results are just as positive, but when hiccups arise within the discussions towards the goal the same individuals can butt heads more often and even change the environment of all involved.
The way I deal with team dysfunction is to bring either my supervisor or even the higher of the senior leadership that has a positive outlook to review the issue(s) at hand. If there is no senior available then the best alternative is to remove and discuss with the individual or individuals about the dysfunction and see if an agreement can be had. If not the I would remove the individual(s) before any major conflict could arise.
Achua, C. & Lussier, R. (2016). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development. 6e. Cengage Learning: Boston, MA
Cerne, M. & Bunjak, A. (04 December 2018). Mindfulness - The Missing Link in the Relationship Between Leader - Follower Strategic Optimism (Mis)match and Work Engagement. Frontiers in Psychology. Retrieved from https://www-frontiersin-org-.tu.opal-libraries.org/articles/10.3389/fpysg .2018.02444/full
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